Brenna promised she would come to support me, so she came with Chloe around 9pm. told them i won't be done till late. meanwhile i told them to join the crowds at the stage area.
Chloe had to leave around 12midnight, so i walked her to the taxi stand. looking at the long queue at esplanade mall, we called for cab instead.
so brenna waited for me until 01:30, we walked over to Macdonald's at Boat Quay. suppose to show her the beautiful scene of CBD(central business district)but it was locked, so i guess it'll next time.
went home on bus 8N when we took several pictures of people sleeping awkwardly. gave her a green tea bracelet which she even wore it home. not sure whether she still has it or its already in the bin. haha..

(sorry for the blurred images, better qualities ones are with her.)
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