Happy Father's Day!
Especially to my daddy! cause he is the best dad... =) Love him to the core! Although he always calls me out for nice food in SG and makes me very贪吃, i still go out with him to have all those delicious food. Also because of him, Xian calls me 路神的儿子. hahaaa..
Appreciates all these 21years of being responsible for me!
Brought him to watch 3D Monsters Vs Aliens movie at vivo city, as well as dinner at some hongkong restaurant. He was quite amused by the 3D actions and balls flying out of the screen.. so cute la he! =))

Got him a comfort remote car yesterday. So my sis rushed the 'advertisement' for the cab! Upon seeing the cab when i drive that car out from my room, he was like complaining wasting money la, its for small kids la, blah blah blah, but we could tell he is happy. And he was happily playing with it when he got control of the remote. hahahaa
Still a little kid to me!
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