hello0oo..its been a while since i last updated my blog. hmm, time to share some of my recent events.
tze fai came back to s'pore on 24th Feb 2007. messaged me when i was sleeping and called me moron. Interesting guy, never did he called me moron. met him that night after church to have steamboat at clairin's house. its been so long since i last stepped into clairin's home. memories came back when i entered and when i saw him.
great time having steamboat..

had lots of fun kbox-ing, tattoo-ing, pool-ing, and finally it was already time for him to go back on 27thFeb2007. so we sent him to the airport..and some of the pictures taken on train. andrew doing karate kick..

posing on the train..

after he left for hongkong, andrew, clairin and i went to sentosa the next day. but before we reached there, it was already raining. so we spent our time at vivo. guess what can we do during the time?
walking towards vivo..

what a big empty parade square

wa0oo0oo..what can we be doing in a restricted area?

lets have a closer look...!

tah dah...its little mahjong...!

had fun at vivo..and of course the rain stopped awhile and we decided to enter sentosa. but little did we realized that it was already raining when we were on the skytrain. so we went to palawan to feel the sea breeze from the watch tower.
cleaning the sand away from our havaenas with the rain..

tah dah..posing under the rain between water..


had fun today with old friends everywhere, everytime. great day spending time with them. happy guy always.
captain planet 0.o