Thursday, August 05, 2010

yikes, few months had passed.. and i'm still alive in this atrocious life of mine. i guessed i haven't been really happy since the start of the year?! [I've been single, i've not been doing anything useful, i've not accomplished any huge success] i'm just stagnant, stagnant from the day i enlist myself into SAF.

God, somebody please take away my misery and share the joy afterwards. I just need a companion to have my activities going. If google could answer me, i'll google it!

One big accomplishment recently was my completion of Class 2A license. Just something i'm proud of, with 4points. I guessed the skills are inherited through family line.. As my father is a great driver too...

I think every NSF has many to complain, like each time they gather around civilians, they tend to complain. I dunwanna to be in that group yet its just too hard not to complain about SAF!
Sucks FULL_TIME!!!

Spending my time with God again in a much smaller church this time, but they aren't giving me any answers. I've asked God many times, but each time the answers were just making it worse. Especially when that particular guy came and ask me 'Is it very hard to love someone sometimes?' i'm like NOoooooo! --> *he was referring to a guy that just shout very crudely at the sound crew who was causing unwanted feedbacks. I told him, 'he just purely voiced out his opinion in a very crude way.' i just thought, the issue of love wasn't even tested, why would he came up with this question. Ridiculers, I wonder what has all these people been understanding from the bible or their pastor. -_-

ARGH!! Many unsettlement!

*i'll post again soon i hope.. Busy August for me.


Blogger Big Mark 243 said...

is 'saf' for the singapore air force?

very interesting post. could not believe that you had no comment.

it is late here in the midwestern US, so I promise to come back and leave a more insightful comment HERE later.

2:35 PM  
Blogger GeraldhanX said...

Nope bro, its Singapore Armed Forces..
thanks for taking your time to read.. =)

3:12 AM  
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9:41 PM  

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