Saturday, June 28, 2008
Went for movie at Jurong Point 7pm.
Theater 5 Seats M-18, M-19, M-20, M-21.
Action show man! super action..but the movie was just so-so, not as expected from the trailer. The trailer was so much more exciting than the movie itself.

but anyway i still did enjoyed myself.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Grocery shopping is fun. but its so much better when there is only less then 10 shoppers in the store. We were at Cold Storage, Holland V. the chef needs to get food and spices for the return of his little brother from NS. So he is planning for spaghetti! so sis and i went crazy over cheese!

sis: BBBB!!! i want salad!!

Bro: Where is it?

jumping around the store, seeking high and low for stocks!
great night!
met kang, stel xian for basketball session at batok cc. waited the bus for 53mins. screw the SBS! never did like SBS! reached like so late and the lights were only on for 5mins for us.. started playing..and of course only kang and i sweat like pigs! haha
then we went over to the fitness corner.. xian and i got up the monkey-bar easily and kang took effort to climb on it..and soon we jumped down leaving kang stranded on it for 4mins and 16secs before he dares to jump down...hahaha..
lazy to upload the video. =P
fun fun fun.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Volleyball was always on every wednesday. So this time i called my sis and adil along cause its her off day. fun was everywhere..of course! volleyball is my sister's favourite. she mingle well with my friends..and they all said i looked older! =(
then we went for Mr. Prata then we went home afterwards. adil and i suddenly enthu-ed and we played jackie chan stunts over the stairs at the carpark.
home sweet home and i slept well.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Riding around this few days with sis and adil. nothing much we did..but we did built up our friendship. going for movies, dinner, cable tv, tanning, swimming, and also gyming and jogging which we din go..haha..did Command & Conquer Tiberian Wars...tough match when they ganged up against me..haha..slept at his house this few days.
Riding home from Bukit Timah.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Badminton was great at the old Co-Curricular Activities Ministry of Education. Its been quite some time since i last played. then Clairclair called. eh! wanna go Batok play basketball? Of course i said ok! almost everyone was around that night..really happy. zisky and i made great teamwork by beating the army boy and xian. haha.. then we went home separately..
Thursday, June 19, 2008
these few days have been running around riding around busing around singapore.
Movies was happening around me too..
The Happening.

The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian.

The Incredible Hulk.

Don't Mess With The Zohan.

More to come, i would say..movie never stop entertaining people.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Met up with Clair, Zisky and SOPHIA! missed her so much. still the same looking small and tiny. went for food and head for tanjong beach! Now tanjong beach is our hangout place at sentosa. Its peaceful and quiet, and we will see many wedding couples and angmohs. =) 

Again we spent our time at KM8. bought fruitpunch, which i feel it taste pretty nice! then we went swimming, volleyball, and touchball.

zisky and i swam all the way to the borders of the sea, which is where the line is. thats fun!!

we all had fun at the beach! we should always have fun!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
finally the results came....and i......
lasalle wants me back to Level 2.
see me around!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
YEAH! i finally got my own helmet! from saturday i waited to monday, then tuesday and finally we got it on Wednesday morning.
Went to this Ah Boy shop at Kelantan Lane. entered this small little shop filled with people, helmet and accessories. then i looked for Mfizz Evolution ll helmet. Got a M size for me and a S size for sis, costing 60bucks each. So i carried them home on the bike with another helmet on my head. so sick! haha..
loving it everytime i sees it, hurting me everytime i scratched it.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

it was sunny tuesday when we went to tanjong beach. spread ourselves with oily cream, we submerged into the soaring sunlight. tanning, volleyball, soccer, playing monkey, swimming! loads of fun! beers! fruitpunch! w0oh0o!

then we were loads tired and we slept on the KM8 till evening, sunset. shiok!!
we had our dinner at Palawan, Koufu. then we went over to Cineleisure for command & conquer!
went home dead tired on bus 14!
slept over at his house.
very fun day today!
sentosa these days really made me happy. i spent time with clair and bui on monday, sister and adil on tuesday. fun fun fun..

Sun was there to share his warmth.
And people made it interesting too.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
came home at 6pm and went out at 10pm with sis. met Adil at cineleisure and we played Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun. FUN FUN FUN. after which we went to Hard-Rock cafe and Shaw-house Mac. reached home at 3am. so i ride on his 2A bike again.

i will never forget that experience. awaiting 16june. .jpg)
getting my own helmet soon.
so fun today.