Friday, October 24, 2008
Critique is finally over, was even wondering how Salleh would 'tekan' me before, but somehow he din had much to say about my works. Hazel at the other end told me many ideas i could look into.

(Credits to Mich)
Somehow i felt this relieve aura around me and i surely look happy for the day, but until the problem with fate that came upon me.
Manifestation was the word Janet gave me, but she also told me it doesn't always happen so frequently. So i thought what if i happened to see her again, and she really did appeared directly in front of me, which made me really stunned in the art of manifesting.
The first time took like 5mins, but it only took 10secs this time..Amazing...!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Critique is tmr, yet i'm in the mood to do something for the baby. thought of creating some clothes for her, when the idea of zombie came up my mind. So xian and i started to think how the zombie costume looks like. blurred images in our minds, this is what we came out of.
Xian was making innovations with my wire while i'm building the costume. initially i had a hanging paint brush, but now i have a hanging ruler, hanging palette knife and hanging GUITAR too! haha..
afterwards he showed me his drawing on the bus, which made my jaw drop...

So kiddy, so cute..look at him and look at his drawings..haha..D&T was the right choice! hahaha
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
WAO! what a trip to the
PROOF V: Printmaking Society Singapore 28th Anniversary Exhibition
I was so wrong going with the people, especially on the bus, maybe we just din belong to the same world. Upon reaching the place, finally i felt a sense of relieve, maybe because i saw April, Lina and Beeling.
There were many people of course, but i wasn't in the mood to socialize. Because i just hate to hear people trying to start a conversation saying useless stuff, maybe you should try a better line.
There was once when Miguel and i wanted to talk but somehow we felt awkward. haha, maybe its because of FB that we found each other familiar.
Soon after i finished admiring and digesting the artworks, i left with April and family.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
finally my english paper is over! a kind of relieve i suddenly have when i was walking back to the bus stop. Paper 1 was nice, but i din have the time to rewrite, so my handwriting is kind of untidy. Super unhappy about it.
Paper 2 was better, finally i knew how to infer the questions that i din know how during school times.
now my critique is this friday, so i have to rush work!
my student code : 2932/2023
paper code : 1127/01
4D!! $$$
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Sorry i couldn't blog this few days, Essay writing submission was on monday, skipped facial and lessons already. Presentation on friday, which turned out to be a sucky one. I totally wanna bury my head somewhere. Totally lost in my mind. Nothing seems to be working for me.
Tuesday is English paper, and Friday is my critique. Busy time.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Day 1
Golden Mile with Xuan. Went for Thai disco, and found out i seemed to like the place rather than some chinese pub. i enjoyed the atmosphere but not the beer of course.
Billiard was the main purpose for the night. Zisky, Xian and I just couldn't stop the cravings for number ball. hahaa..
Day 2
Xuan brought us for chocolate fondue, quite a different experience with no air-con. dinner was thai laksa at Golden Mile.
NC was the plan, so i went home to get my bike and went Queenstown Country Club with xian for billiard. Met kang there, but he left soon at 3am.
We decided to go have some slope fun and so i thought of going to Mt Faber or Hort park. We walked up Mt Faber and sloped down at Henderson Wave. Real nice experience.
Mt Faber Slope
Dead tired and my knee hurts, i think i should consult a doctor soon? Or wait for army check-up? hmmm...
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Finally the location is at the airport. Clair is going off soon where emotions were everywhere.

Sophia was going too, lucky i get to squeeze her before she goes. =)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Last day with Clairclair, Mind's Cafe in the afternoon. 

Da Chang Jin was the dinner, but i tot there would be a lot of people. Nevertheless we still had fun at the steamboat.
Jbar after steamboat, when this time there is more people. 2 bottles of Martell made everyone happy over the night, everyone went chaotic!
Look how happy Xian is


Everyone is waiting




Crazily lovely couple



Xian din knew it was coming

Zisky's trademark



Xian & Clair

Seldom see him smile in the pictures

Heineken Girl

Kang couldn't make it already



i'm trying my best to squeeze



i'm still trying.

We are family.

Thursday, October 09, 2008
Two more day till clairclair leaves for Beijing, where she ventures into a new world without us with her. To accompany her of course, walked around today, chinatown for money changing and soon we couldn't stop our craving of number ball, so we went over to Century pool at Bt Timah.

Came to this swimming pool above Beauty World complex, i suppose it belongs to some condo, but its seem so old and isolated.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Sunday + Rain = No more Pulau Ubin.
Sad sad sad. Ended up rolling heavy balls to the pins. Challenging among each other, when the losers have to pump the difference of the winner's score. I had total of 55 push-ups, and Xian of course tops the number of pumping. =)
Dinner was at Yuhua, when afterwards we went for basketball sessions. Court was empty, so we were quite happy about it.
Tuesday seem so happy today. =)
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Today i belong to my mother. i'm a 24hr filial son who stays at home and accompany my mum.
Dad buys Macdonald's lunch. Dinner was home cooked food. And nevertheless the Swensen's ice-cream cake.
Happy Birthday Mummy!
Friday, October 03, 2008
Eng Wah Cinemas
Overall i would give 3stars, climax was nice, but the entire show was boring. I almost fell asleep, but when i turn to see, Adil had already fallen asleep. haha...
After the movie was a drag. Adil went back with my sis, so there were only kang, xian and me left. Either we play bball in the dark, or go all the way to Queenstown for billiard, or i stay over at Xian's home, or i ride Xian's bike home, or i take 8N home. A bit of a dilemma, so i decided to go home early to be my 24hr filial son since tomorrow is my mum's birthday, so 8N was my decision. =)
Home Sweet Home.
Happy Birthday to Qin.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Finally i got my bike for NC with Xian. We went to conquer the well-known steepest slope in Singapore, Bt Batok Nature Park. Its short and steep but i've seen steeper ones. Got a video, but it was rather dark and noisy, so i shall not post it up.

Back to work, suppose to shoot anything that is Red, Orange and Yellow, for the movement project i'm suppose to finish. So i guess the both of us were noticing red, orange, yellow only for the whole night. We got 152 shots, so its quite satisfying for me. =)
I used to take 20mins from Bt Timah to home, but i took 35mins from Bt Batok to home. i think i took the highway the other time + the power of love, thats why i got 20mins. haha..
Skills still intact.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Monday was school, Tuesday too.. many stuff i need to catch up, missing too many things...
Its Xian's last day of work, he felt so relaxed today, but i guess he missed that new intern girl at work. haha...

We went Queensway Shopping Centre in the evening, which is the last place i would go. Many faces and many places which i wouldn't wanna recognize or bump into. But ultimately we still got his new Adidas Germany 1980 shoe. =)
Night, we met up with Clair, Stel, Layyan, Kang as we went drinking at the 'Watermelon'. Xian left early, then Stel. So it was only the 4 of us left which was so much comfortable to chat.

As the night became cooler and cooler, everyone started yawning and we eventually got home too.
Mango Snapple.