Sunday, November 22, 2009

2weeks left till POC! happily awaiting for that day to arrive, which brings me so much closer to civilization. So much closer to people, so much closer to my entertainments. Hopes are everywhere, thinking about my future and my ambitions. What to do now and what to do next. Got a very good job awaiting for my NS to complete, but i do not know much about it. Do i need to do something about it? To study some shit out of it??
NS have great all these while, been to firing range, went through outfield, soaked myself in muddy puddles, drenched in the showers, bites from mosquitos, heat rash, so much and all. Time just pass so fast. Tug of war is coming soon and i'm a part of it. hopefully we'll win it once again for this cahoot again! =)

I'm still the clean and neat freak!!!


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5:22 AM  
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3:25 PM  

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