hey..i'm back into this reality world of mine. Guess I had my knee fractured just right after my birthday. I had a terrific birthday and it all happens the next day. Kind of sad huh...! This is the result of not taking good care of my knee when I had the chance.
So it all happens on 29thAPRIL2006......It was an early Saturday morning, and I was traveling down to the NIE sports school with Qixian. We just had an overnight gaming before we set off. It was a church event and it was about extreme sports. I was the captain for my W330 cell group for basketball category. And so it the tournaments begun and teams were heating up. I was called to help my other w330 group member to play for the captains ball category before my basketball match starts. So I was the goal tender who blocks the shots of the opponent. BEEP...! Goes the whistle and it starts. The opponent's scorer was very clever of handling the ball to the man standing on the chair. So I had to jump very hard to reach for the ball and hit it away. After few jumps and finally my knee gave way and I fell onto the floor. Medics came and they carried me off the court and started nursing me. I told them it’s just a relapse of my old injury, and they attended me and left off with a bandaged on my knee. It really hurts and cannot even walk on my own. I had to ask my friends to lift me in a stretcher to my daddy's car.
At home, I bathed and was brought to the Chinese physician but he did not dare to fix my knee because he suspects of a knee fractured. So I was brought to NUH’s emergency department. I waited quite long for my turn to arrive. Finally it was my turn and for my unlucky day, I met an irresponsible doctor. He just anyhow put me on cast and waits for my next appointment. So I was on cast for 2weeks and had to return for appointment. Lucky me, I’ve got myself a good looking and friendly doctor, who was sincerely interested in my condition. My kneecap had broken into two parts, which was shown, in the X-ray. I was warded that day because of the severe damage on my knee.
In the hospital, luckiest guy on earth, I was put into the class B wards due to the over crowding of the non air-conditioned wards. Which means its air-conditioned bedrooms. I stayed there as if it was holiday for me, some kind of resort. No doctor came to see me, and my darling and friends just came everyday to visit me. The guy in front of me was a gangster who I guess had his leg broken while fighting. He had his gangster friends visiting him everyday too. BROTHERHOOD...? Having spent 4days of holiday, the doctor finally came to understand my conditions. I told him what happened and an operation is a must. So my operation was fixed on Vesek Day, 12May2006.
The day of my operation was very scary; as it’s the first time I’m doing it. It gives me Goosebumps and shivers and worried ness. Like shows often have scenes like the doctor will say we did our best when he steps out of the operation theater. HAHA......I'm thinking too much. I was pushed into the Operation Theater and Darling and Mummy was outside waiting for me.
In the operation theater, the doctor was talking to me happily and suddenly a fell asleep and I woke up on my bed with my family, cousins, Darling and Qixian standing next to me asking how do I feel. I was to dizzy that I cannot eat nor drink, so I went back to sleep.
After few days of recovery, I had the wound replenished with new bandages and had my physiotherapy done, and its time I’m able to discharge. I stayed at home for 2months with my bandaged on and I have to bathe with plastic bags covering the bandage. Sick of the lifeless life at home. Just had to stick around home, watching TV, learning guitar, playing piano, gaming...etc, Its very boring...
It has been 2months and its time to remove my cast. I was removed from my cast and I can walk already. But because of the inflexible muscles, I’m now working hard to regain my muscles and bend my knee.
Thank God for the lesson I’ve learnt that I must be responsible for the actions I do and have to face all problems optimistically if not the devil will intrude into me. Thank my family for their support and care and their worried ness. Thank my church members for the support and encouragement and the prayers for me. Thank my friends for visiting me and caring for me. And I’ll never forget my Darling who stood by me all the while and brave through everything with me. I really love her deeply and she does too. Speedy recovery...!!! AMEN...!