Oh man, second day of work and i realised something. Despatch riders ride more lifts than their bikes. hahaa.. i've been visiting different offices and places to collect and deliver, waiting and standing, scanning and screening. Standard procedures before entering the office. 
Especially DBS building. 47storeys high with only 1 cargo lift, So damn stupid!!
But I've learn something from this job already, not only i got more familiar with the places and roads, i've also learn how to be more confident in riding. And also where to avoid stupid summon people! hahahaa

Went for Transformers Revenge of the Fallen movie, pretty cool and funny! i just didn't like the part where the director wants the transformers to transform right in front of the screen. Never a part where they show a full image of it transforming. Its all these metal parts flying and turning right in front of the screen. Its not cool if it happens all the time.
ANYWAY, you made me miss you.
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