Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Its 1am in the morning of a 21st wednesday. Counts to a last and final day of freedom. In 48hrs time, i'll be sleeping with my bunk mates in a new environment. All kinds of stories are heard, and its time for me to experience it. My family members are my worries, no more maid cleaning the house and washing the clothes or putting them into the dryer. At least its for 2weeks! My parents are worried, from the way they talk and act, they are already missing me.
But for me, i'm really anticipating to step into these new encounters and adventures.
And for sure there are many misses for me! One important thing is my bolster! hahaha.. Okay. there is tons to miss, tons to feel about. But one person still doesn't get out of my mind... Whisky, Vodka, Red Wine, Sake...blah blah blah. Gin tonic is still the one that i'm missing.
Monday, October 19, 2009
My days of counting down. And its 3days left.... Nervous i am, 'steel'...

Decided to get my haircut today while i wait for my friends to turn up for movies. Dragged my mum along with me to witness the blonde to botak. i just realised i have a sharp head, though i always feel its not round enough...
Sentosa tmr morning! and dinner with friends! =)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Today is 17October. Counting down the days, i'm only left with 4days. Woah! Pretty much enjoyed myself these days, stepping into a new world soon. I'll not be a blonde in 2days time, here comes my botak head! Getting my room is great shape before i leave, clear the dust and and pin up my photos. 101photos! Gathering the stuffs for army, tons of thinking and preparations to do. i'm still addicted to my Tony Parsons, how to i read inside...??? no time arh!! I'm gonna be a 'blackie' soon! A messed up blackie. With uneven tanned lines! YuckS! Yes sergeant! No sergeant! Yes Sir! No Sir! argH!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Didn't know how to face my friends early in the morning. Was lost and confused. What to say? ER, its just u and me today? I think thats the best words to use bah. Shit man. really disgusted. Wakeboarding alone isn't fun at all. Its like swimming alone in the open sea. Wasn't fun nor exciting. I rather walk with them and fall my butt on the ground with the waveboard than the wakeboard. Didn't much enjoy myself yesterday, but i sure ache all over from the rounds... (*&^%$#@#$%^ Wanna enjoy cursing tomorrow!!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I'm kite. I'm kite. I'm kite. Being blown off! My God. I couldn't feel worst. All these isn't what i'd expected, i just didn't wanna think like that. God, I'm a kite. I dont feel good, and my mum is the only one who sees it. Ching is listening to my words at 2am in the morning. En wasn't online, probably eating with her mum. Had a long shower to clear the steam, but it still wasn't gone. One last thing, Sky better be my mood. If not thunderstorm will clash on the sixth floor. ARGH!!!
I shall be back to my Tony Parsons...
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
I almost burn down my house.

the mug that was burning dry. my mum said its burning RED when she saw it at the stove.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Hairdo Hairdo!

Been coming up with hairstyles to play with before its all gone. Mummy tried tying up my hair to imagine the results when shaved. Isn't what i predicted though.

So now i'm going headache again. In dilemma whether to get my head shaved inside or outside.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday to Mummy!! Another year of taking care of us with another year of protection. Shocked mummy with roses from daddy! Dad is as shy as ever, so i've planned with my sister to get the roses and ask dad to pass it to her. EFFECTIVE! =P

I finally told them how i felt about my life. Finally told them to let me venture and live on my own. And enlistment into the army comes just nice in place. =O
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Feeling ennui for the whole afternoon, i decided to go out... and so nice winnie is free too. So we headed for dinner and kbox! =) After the singing, both of us felt emotional of course. she thought about her love and i talked about my love until the sun started rising, time to go home!

Rushed back home to get Xian's stuff and went down to Safti for his family day. Haha. As silly as ever with that little eyes, he is an oncoming officer already! hope he really likes it there and also the girl! heeeee =P
Friday, October 02, 2009
Having a great sweat with basketball every friday is awesome! but my legs isn't in good shape still. hopefully they will not lose on me till i'm 100?~?!
Anyway, a happy moment for me today. I'm currently on my first step of my investment. My very first cashed in: my new helmet! haha..Satisfaction! there will be the life jacket with the water bag coming up, till then will be the wakeskates, AND soon i'll be pulling by the boat! shiok! Looking forward!
My legs are my biggest worries.. keep it up my elevens. =)