Sunday, March 30, 2008
blinking for the sixth times and its already another sunday. time passes quicker than i thought.
another family day is here and to add to the happiness, my sis is joining us today!!
first we went to grandma house(as usual) for visiting, then we went for shopping at Chinatown; People's Park. after all the crazy shopping, dad came to fetch us home in his wonderful BLUE CAB.
and sunday is swimming day, because i wanna keep fit!
but of course there is another reason why i wanted to go back this sunday. its because i wanna meet that girl again!! =P
... ... ...
and truly she appeared. APPEARED!!! w0oho0o!! i saw her again. but this time i saw two. both tied the same hairstyle, both almost the same built. sisters? twins? not sure. but i'm sure she knew i was the one last week. because of my STAR! =))
and my sis told me that she kept looking into my direction!!! OVERJOYED!!! hahaha..
so shiok!!
happy guy tonight!!
Friday, March 28, 2008
fire broke out when i was leaving home to meet Xian. smoke gathered up the stairs and corridors. sweeping everyone to the ground floor. thick smoke made breathing difficulty for us. Although we are one block away. seeing everyone evacuating the scene, looking at the fire and the thick smoke, i guess everyone is shocked! Civil Defence arrived 5mins later to put down the fire..jpg)
Although i'm situated beside the building, but i still can see thick smoke gushing out of the windows and reflections of fire burning. its my first time to encounter a fire breakout. so i filmed it down.
Can hear my mum all excited and worried, talking to my dad, my grandma, and me.
*listen carefully and you can hear the fire burning, glass falling, everyone talking, and of course my voice.
heard from the neighbour opposite saying that the fire ignite because of the overuse of electrical switch at one point. imagine 16 china worker charging the phone at the same time!?!
screw them!
now the few units above is all in burnt state. =(
so sad for the rest! =_=
Thursday, March 27, 2008
working hard in school.
working hell in school! all tight up with projects. haven finish the silkscreen works. although the lithography is going well and planned, but now there is a 3wks self-proposed project in hand.
facing my computer now thinking what would my self-proposed project could be. what can we do in 3wks? Good works? hard to say... no sleep again..... =)
Assessment is 24April08.
soon soon soon...
haven finish my silkscreen...hope to finish soon...
busy man.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Sunday is family day! whether its blood related or not, as long as i treat you as a family member, you are on my sunday(s).
this sunday is bloody sunday! because its spending time with my blood-related kin. -_- okay its lame!
we went to Sin Ming Rd for BatKutTeh. FINALLY!!!
looking at the white pork ribs, smelling the pepper from the soup, looking at the fatty pig's trotters, and the dark sauce duck!! i wouldn't wait to finish the entire table of food!
sucking and licking, drinking and sipping... ... non-stop!
refilling and drinking away!
ah!! heaven!!
after a delicious breakfast, we went to Asian Civilisation Museum. there was a Nalanda Exhibition, and its free admission. just our luck!
happy parents!
then we drove over to the Singapore Flyer. wa0o! its doesn't look huge looking afar, but its damn huge when standing under a 165m tall structure.
w00o..soon we went over to grandma's place. bought her KFC and MaCdonald's, because she has been craving from it for quite some time. missed her badly, because its been quite awhile since i last went there. she looks better everyday. =)
headed home, changed and went swimming together, swam my freestyle as usual.
But something unusual happened when i was swimming my 6th lap, a girl around my age was trying to compete with me with freestyle! not bad i would say! we started off together, i thought she's gonna win me because she's beside me at the first quarter, but soon she was all gone behind me. But i'm impressed! i asked my mum whether she saw what happened and she said the girl struggled trying to win me. she's not bad looking though i can't see her properly with her goggles on. when after bathing, i didn't get to see her around the pool. sad. hope to see her again. i'm totally impressed by her!
(*its hard to see girls my age still into swimming.) sad-_-
but anyway, this is a summary of my different styles:
frogstyle= i can't kick anymore, my knee hurts. frogstyle is going extinction for me.
butterfly= still getting the hang of it, just a bit more stamina.
backstroke= working on it. never done much before.
freestyle= best of all! no problem at all.
(i'm kind of sad that my knee is causing me some disturbance in my life.)
happy still. =)
Friday, March 14, 2008
作詞:孙瀚祥 作曲:孙瀚祥 編曲:孙瀚祥
oh 看不见你心
w0o..finally finish this song. started it 2days ago. was working with the music yesterday, and the singing today. i thought it was gonna be easy, but it's kindof tough. but nevertheless i finished this 1:14 short song, and i hope someone will enjoy it.
welcome comments!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
mini cooper!

for this blog entry, i would use mini words to type, to show how mini is mini. =P
my dad bought me two tiny mini coopers. (although mummy will find out soon!!) but i need to credit my dad for bringing me there and buying me two mini coopers!!
dad picked me up from school and we went for hokkien mee at Clifford lane. then we travelled to Aliwa street to look for TaiSing.Co, some retail for collectable. we both were like little boys fascinated by the models and figures. gazing through the glass panel to admire the beauty. my dad is cute!!
he bought these for me!!!

lying nicely on my rack.

Monday, March 10, 2008
more of ubin.
more pictures of ubin.

enjoying the breeze.

happy xian, first time in ubin. =)

very windy!

this is the dirt track i was talking about previously. co0L eh!!

all lost. haha

artist at work.


Pulau Ubin.
Pulau Ubin; Singapore's last kampong village alive

hee =P
(actually its a picture on a signboard.) =P

okay, went there for cycling. Clair, Xian, Zisky, Banks, Lecturer and me met up at Changi village. travelled on boat and soon we landed on Ubin(About a 10mins ride).

Rented a $10 bike and off we go. Thought there was only roads to cycle, but soon we went off course and through rocky paths. UP and DOWN we go... one word to describe : W0o0oho0ooooo!!!!!!
took a break at a coconut vendor, then we walked to a bridge along the coast. quite a nice scenery though.

it would be the best if there was only two!

took a picture of a seabird biting onto its prey.

then we cycled to a BMX course. something like what dirt bikes would do their stunts with. AND of course we tried, and one word to say : W0o0o0oho00o0o!!!!!!
while good moment ends faster then expected, it was getting dark and we decided to head back.

as we sat directly at the back of the boat, water was splashing over us! hahaha...

all wet and tired!

Ate delicious Nasi Lemak at Changi Village and soon everyone was on their way home.
tiring trip, but worthwhile!
we will soon return back to the Kampong!
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
You are very bubbly and bright. You like to be the center of attention and love when people notice you. You thrive on people liking and accepting you. This is wonderful, but let it go to your head. You must realize not everybody wants to be your friend. You are trusting and hardworking, and tend to learn quickly. you don't like to be active much unless it is in your studies/music. You love going to parties and being with friends, but often you tend to shut your family out of your life. The piano is very tempremental and with that comes a sea of emotions. You are trusting and loving to people very easily but if they hurt you, you can hold a grudge for years.
Monday blues!
alone in the darkroom.
Define as: When you go to work or to school really tired and upset because you stayed up really late to watch your favorite football team play and they lost. All comes equipped with a hangover and bad stomache.
i had a wonderful rest. Went to school early, had PPD lesson at 2pm with Zai. Funny fellow! Joker.
did some prints today; did photo emulsion too. CANCEROUS! so had to wear gas mask.

surfing the net now. looking for mountain bikes...
Sunday, March 02, 2008
back to church.
Winnie called me; 'wanna go Jw Church to watch F.I.R?' and of course i said yes.
WA0o...! Faye's voice is super nice even when its LIVE...!!
So met her at 3+ at Jw Church.
Met her adult CG and soon the service was starting. Started all the worshipping and praising songs, kind of missed it. and Pastor KONG HEE!!! miss his preaching!
then came F.I.R singing their songs.

So after the whole service, i met up with Clair and Stel for Da Chang Jin Steamboat dinner along Beach Rd. I'm so full!
The whole night was boring and tiring! walked from Beach Rd to Esplanade and saw alot of malay walking around covered with mud. i guess there were some event going on before we came.
We felted very noisy and crowded, so we walked to a little corner near marina square and drank our CokeLight.
Left home in a 'valentine' cab. chatted with the uncle all the way home.