Sunday, August 31, 2008
Baybeats 2008 was a success! the bands played really well and i especially remembered this alien band who sang like aliens from Mars. but somehow or another, i rather like it..
Printing and printing for the first day, i became the receptionist for the next 2 days. we printed more than 500 prints until the black tee sold out completely at the last day. met so many people and made some friends too(will never forget Phil). =)
thanks to : esplanade, i have another new accomplishment in my CV.
thanks to : shaz, mich and soomin to bring this to a success.
thanks to : xian, weixin, jackying, eifa and shaz brother for helping out.
thanks to : those who came to Baybeats and visited me! =P
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Brenna promised she would come to support me, so she came with Chloe around 9pm. told them i won't be done till late. meanwhile i told them to join the crowds at the stage area.
Chloe had to leave around 12midnight, so i walked her to the taxi stand. looking at the long queue at esplanade mall, we called for cab instead.
so brenna waited for me until 01:30, we walked over to Macdonald's at Boat Quay. suppose to show her the beautiful scene of CBD(central business district)but it was locked, so i guess it'll next time.
went home on bus 8N when we took several pictures of people sleeping awkwardly. gave her a green tea bracelet which she even wore it home. not sure whether she still has it or its already in the bin. haha..

(sorry for the blurred images, better qualities ones are with her.)
Friday, August 29, 2008
its teacher's day at YusofIshak Sec, as usual we would gather together to pay our teachers a visit. we met at the kopitiam outside school like older times, just without the uniform.

went to see the CCA awards and Teacher's Day celebration show. was really amazed to see yunwen participating in the celebration, and she did a pretty enjoyable band play on stage, which really brought everyone high. Indian dance as usual every year! haha.. lucky there wasn't malay dance.. (i'm not racist) =)
went for pool after lunch. i really liked the Triple Threat Match Xian created, i hope ESPN will buy the idea from us! haha..

(Images from Clair's facebook account.)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
rather hectic week i had for a week 4 since school started. new project topics were issued and new deadlines of course. Implication of Movement; suppose it would be nice to do some photography about it..
was in school every day like 9am, doing work and work, thinking after thinking, lessons over lessons. coming up with new ideas for major, but i guess i need more research...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Ghost festival closure was around the corner. Got up early morning to help out at my grandma house. My uncle, as usual, would buy tons of food and offerings for the 'brothers'. Cooked dishes and dishes for offerings and of course fried BeeHoon for own consumption. I did the cooking! =)


Offering time. It was 4years back since i touched joss sticks. Uncle mumbled some prayers and i was sent down to burn the incense paper.(From what i define, its all just an action.)
Sis came at 4pm and we went for the Singapore Flyer as planned with Adil's family. We were invited to the Police Carnival Buffet Event while Lantern Festival Carnival was going on too.

Helped ourselves with the food and got this calligraphy man to write our chinese characters on red paper. cool! Went up the Singapore Flyer, but i guess i have nothing much to say, tourists will love it more than singaporeans.
landed in the gift shop when i saw this short-sleeve shirt with 6 wheel designs costing $99.90!! In my opinion, i have no idea who would spent such money on such disgusting design!! -_- As for the ride, I would ride again if there's Bungee Jumping from the cabin. hahaha...

Stayed till 9pm for the Fireworks '08 at the Stadium. Didn't get a nice view cause Benjamin Shears was blocking us! hahaha..
Decided to chill at Timbre Bar. Goodfellas was serenading. Pretty cool band, very nice vocals! Saw Dj Ros there too. Simply a nice bar to hang out. .jpg)

Friday, August 22, 2008
woke up at 12noon, did some touch-up in the living room.. finished at around 2pm when i showed sis which one she prefer, she said the abstract guitar. hmmm.. everyone seems to like that.. emailed Junmin the designs soon after i captured it down.
went down to town at 5pm, meeting xian for Money Not Enough 2. movie starts at 7pm, rather funny show, but surprising sad too! Jack Neo's films are such linked to our life...

after the movie, Kang called. he wanted to meet us for Death Race, but there were only front row seats at the 9:45pm slot, so we dropped the thought and went Wisma for shopping. Kang was changing when i caught him on photo.. hahaha
went for pool as usual and we left back with bus 14. saw this yusoffian at the bus stop, asked her to get on the bus with us cause there's no more other bus to clementi. we dropped at clementi and took a NightRider home. Enjoying everyday!
i'm tired now, so Goodnight!!
these are my final designs for the Baybeats'08 T-shirt design.. its a guitar knobs and a melting guitar. simple line works..

Baybeats'08 at Esplanade from 29-31august 2008. come down if anyone is free to support support.. =) tell me which one do u prefer? tag me!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
met Qin at railway mall, subway at 18:30. took 67 from college and landed myself there early. drew some stuff before she came. ate my honey oats, chicken terriyaki regular meal(which is clair's most disgusted meal), and i was chatting and doing research work already. spilled the super cold sprite onto my shorts! damn COLD!! and also her feet...haha..
walked her home afterwards and came home. just received the feedback email from Baybeats'08 organizer Junmin. she was pleased with my work, but need further details. so i guess i'll have to work on it tonight, cause tmr is the deadline for submission. =)
(i'm drawing now!)
sometimes just sitting beside quietly can be such an irritant.
i wonder when is the last time you showered throughly?
do you know your armpit stinks?
do you know your ear-shit is already visible?
when was the last time you ever keep yourself clean and fresh?
what is Aesthetic to you?
please take care of yourself if not it can be quite a nuisance to others!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
English Oral was at 14:15. as the entry proof stated to be early half & hr before starting time, so i went early like 13:15. came to Pioneer Sec and realised i'm the first candidate for the day! w0o!!
i checked my name and index number at the general office and they told me to put my stuff in the locker behind. i thought its some box to keep the stuff, but end up paying 20cents for the lockers!?! (similar to the ones at the swimming pool.)
went to the hall, organized and i'm at the seat with the paper in my hands. nervous! of course! its been so long..but i guess i did quite well for it, made the examiners laugh out loud! haha..
after the chatting, we were suppose to stay in the hall till 15:00, so i sat there alone, then this girl came and chatted with me. her name was SooChin, 19, working at Baleno, JP. she told me alot about her and her! hahaha...
came home afterwards, dad drove me to fetch sis, then we went for durians, popiah and rojak at Jurong West. burp!
great day today!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
stayed home today despite lesson was at 12noon. =) did some work, then went for a haircut at Vincent Daniel. trim a little too short, but anyway at least it looks neat. saw Judith at Wm arcade jumping on the DDR machine, so i joined her to see whether my skills were still with me.
Xian came soon later and we went for porridge at Jurong East, with Clair of course!
(sorry if we made u guys unhappy.. =P)
Super A1 stall wasn't open! called jess and she said she's slacking at home... -_-
went over to clair's place to help fix the EN language bar.. then xian and i went for Mac supper!
i ran for the bus after my Mcflurry and left my 1dollar with Xian!! hahaha
nice day!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
xian stayed over at my place because we are going Sentosa in the morning. met my cousin and friends at 10am. went into sentosa by bus and it started to drizzle again!?!! like -_-

but anyhow, we still went to KM8 for some fruit punch and calamari! played volleyball with some tattoo guys and soon xian and i left to meet suet.
its Seng's birthday chalet celebration tonight so we went Parkway Parade to look for a present as well as a girl name Siewing. met, chatted, discounted, bought and soon we were sitting at the east coast Mac waiting for Kang, Clair and Stel. went to play exciting pool, later walking over to Island Resort E14. saw Chloe and lasalle mates there, so we played cards in the room and went crazy!!! totally went nuts today!
went for supper at the hawker with at least 8dishes filling the table top!

chatted, joked, and with kang's not lame not funny racist jokes, we went home in 4s a vehicle.
Happy Birthday My Friend!
(Photographs by Clairclair & Bong)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
felt really sick in the morning from all the drinking and smoking last night. my nose ran like nobody business and felt feverish, so i decided to come home straight after lesson and i forgot about the photography opening at the praxis space.
came home and slept real early!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
today is 12August'08 and its QIXIAN's 20th birthday!! we planned to meet in the evening for celebration. there was me, clair, stel, zisky, huixiang and other unfamiliar friends. felt hungry and travelled down to Maxwell market for dinner, ordered so much zhu chang fen!!!
we went over to Breathless Bar at Neil Rd when everyone was already drinking and singing away, so of course clair and i would steal the mike away from them. haha! sang our duet as usual.
soon clair and zisky left, stel and huixiang too.
i continued singing, and there was this girl who tried to zap me with her eyes! hahaha...(stella said she saw her constantly looking at me from afar!)
anyway, Happy Birthday to My QX!
went home at 02:30..shag
Sunday, August 10, 2008
woke up at 12pm from a terrific dream i had... i dreamt myself hanging out somewhere, and there was this girl who i din know her. she was my girlfriend i guess, if not is the girl i wanna woo..she appeared so hard to reach, everytime i see her i quarrel with her, like we both will never talk in peace..haha..but i think we loved eachother! hahaha
mum woke me up, and so POOF!
went over to railway mall to have laksa,
saw R8 on our way to the car
went over to grandma house. spent the afternoon there and went for the Sintex pillow sale, bought bolster and stuff...came home and i did this to my mum...
she look so happy when getting in and out of the plastic bag...can't u see? hahaha...
great day with fried rice and chicken rice from dad...
Friday, August 08, 2008
no school today, so woke up and went to meet richard at his hostel. went for lunch at marine parade, then went for game at Katong shopping mall. we went over to Lasalle at around 5pm, so sad i din reached at 4pm, supposed to meet Corde for presentation discussion.
richard went for his gym and i went for the 'Expose Yourself' event on the grass patch. buffet dinner was provided and i enjoyed watching the performance. played PSP at my space and soon i left to meet my mum and sis at town. bought a L.E.D watch! so cooL! haha, so happy! like a little boy......
went for Long John Silver at Cineleisure, then dad came at 12midnight and fetched us home.
enjoyed the day.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
school ended early, so xian call me to meet up for dinner. so i took bus67 to bukit timah market, spent 1hr+ on the bus with this guy beside me! 

OMG! how come girls dun do that?!
as usual, we had our carrotcake from our Ms Carrotcake stall and our wet wet hokkien prawn noodle! went home after dinner...
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
second day of school, got into drawing class at 12noon. was given assignments to do, and which was like 20 A4 drawings and a 100x80cm final work... so after lesson, corde, i and the rest of the gang went down to the carpark to get alot of chairs and tables and even a coffee table...i'm bringing my coffee maker to school tmr! hahaha
went over to Straits Commercial with the gang, and we shopped around at Raffles City later... chatted at Ben's and Jerry's ice-cream...
and now i'm back home doing my works...
Monday, August 04, 2008
School starts today!
there was a meeting at 10am at the previous printmaking studio, so everyone came and started the talk... we were told what to do and later in the day, we had to choose our studio spaces for ourselves.. chose a wonderful window view space, which i loved it so much; was taken and returned to me at the end of the day..made me went from happy to sad and back to happy! Phew!! hahaha
went for mass lecture at F201, Shubigi was great! her lessons was much more interesting! but she talked too much when the lesson supposed to end at 19:30, it dragged till 20:40...
was very tired, that i slept all the way in the bus...
fulfilling day...
Sunday, August 03, 2008
sunday is family day, went for breakfast at Tiong Bahru Market. queued for this fishball noodle stall for so long, and my mum says its not nice -_- lucky i had century egg porridge.
went grandma house, saw yong there, so we played poker cards and joked with grandma... grandma was very happy!!
went for shopping at NTUC, so i got myself a Nissan Skyline(as usual), and a Mitsubishi Evo8 for yong. we chauffeured our parent's grocery around the store until we park our cars at the parking lots...

went for swimming in the night, then dinner was at Bukit Gombak, where they had Satay Beehoon and i had Fish 'n' Chips...
great day...
Saturday, August 02, 2008
slept at 5am watching youtube the whole night, so was kind of dead on my bed in the morning. met yong & brandon at 11am, took a train down to tanah merah and waited for richard. he reached and showed me his Bangala look, hahaha..its like OMG!! & Ya Ya..u did slimed down!

took bus 2 to changi village and had lunch, then took a ferry to Pulau Ubin. rented 4 bikes and were riding off already when we came to a down slope, yong was like so scared of hitting people, so he had a great fall...... nothing serious though, just scratches around.
yong: pain pain!

whining all the way, lay on the floor, then sit, then stand, then stand and stand.. so i hackcare him and rode off. richard and brandon followed, so we went around and around. went back to find yong, but found him nowhere. so we rode around and around again, and finally found him at the bike shop. richard went off meeting someone, so we went to teach yong how to ride a bicycle.
so soon it was 6pm and its time to go home...
tired and hungry now..
Friday, August 01, 2008
Thurs: went swimming with brenna at 7pm, we swam like 20laps then we went to the jacuzzi area for a chat...
later in the night, i met Xian for gaming at Bt Timah. played through the night and i went for sleep at his house.
Fri: woke up and we went WestMall for aeroplane, then we ate Mee Soto near my old house. came home to watch the movie 21, nice show! Xian watched as i cleaned the whole house, stayed in the toilet cleaning for 40mins... initially wanted to go for power nasi lemak, but it was late already, so he went home with the last bus...
dunwanna stay at home now......
tell me somewhere to go...