Sunday, May 31, 2009
Flea market was on once again this weekend. Saturday and Sunday were another days of fun. Although i had to carry stuffs here and there, but being the coolie of the weekend is really great. Sold pretty much stuff on saturday. Rain was on and off, pretty much playing with our patience. Carrying the clothes in and out really tire us out.
Sunday was great too, i had my wonderful time with the little kids, running around and joking with them. Guiding them with their mathematics and spellings. Teaching them some ways of life, i really love teaching.
While playing soccer with the boys, i actually taught a stranger who was struggling with the waveboard. And his 'thank you' worth so much to me!
Sometimes these little words make the day.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Lasalle Graduation Show '09. Been selected a time slot as a gallery sitter. Sounds nice, buts its just the security guard of the gallery space. Anyway, i did my homework while sitting, so it wasn't any bit of wasting time. Off the lights, locked the doors, handed over to the 'real' securities, and i'm off back home...
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Went out in the evening and caught the movie, Night In The Museum 2. What a hilarious movie. 

One of the scene which made me laugh like mad. Simply irritating. Braundon!

I believe i'm now too numb to other kind of genre movies. Like gore, violent, romance and thriller, they couldn't satisfy my demand.
And i realised i could only lose myself when watching comedy, adventure and action. They usually make me laugh and go WOAH! simply personal. =)
Anyway, we went over to the new FilmGarde at Bugis. The place is pretty big and empty, maybe its due to the high ceiling and super long escalator...
Whats after movie?
Billiard of course! we wouldn't miss out a chance to play. Was quite accurate for the night, and i just found the way to aim far shots. Super happy =) Apparently i still lost. -_-
Monday, May 18, 2009
Been seeing all the great heights all these days, high high above makes the vision clearer and further. Makes me ponder on my future and the targets i would have to achieve.

Looking into my wallet the other day, looking at myself, looking at the changes upon time. People really changes. Whether its for the better or the worst, we don't stay put at where we are. 

So i thought to myself, and i also told my mum, every step we take is a learning step. So even though i'm not doing something about FineArts now, but i've learn something about it and put to use in my life. As long as we do not stay at where we are, we are still walking, learning, changing...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Met up with Xian to pass him shirt and tie for his Graduation Ceremony. Brenna called awhile later to meet me, so i thought of meeting together. So the three of us went Power Nasi Lemak for our dinner. And we were chatting alot about insurance and army when we suddenly wanted to watch movie, so we were checking out for movies with our phones. Saw 17 Again at the 11:20 timeslot, and its already 10:30, so we rushed all the way to Jurong Point to get the tickets, but then we realised that GV was closed, and the time slot was for the morning slot. 11:20, not 23:20.

I'm so cock-up! hahahaa
Xian left home afterwards, so Soong and i went over to Japanese garden for prawn fishing. Its been some time, but my skills were still intact.
Her First Prawn!

Fishing for her second prawn.

Fishing for my 4th prawn.

Finally a decent photo ever since i know her.

7 prawns for the night 28dollars for 3hrs, and 4dollars for each prawn. hahahaa.. After which we went over to Lakeside Park. Never been there before, so the both of us were chilling by the lake.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
It all started on Monday, when i would see this everyday.

Started to dress myself, smart and tidy, look and smell nice. Today is the second lesson, while everyone was already comfortable with each other since yesterday and chats were heard and disturbing the class. Adults already, people!
Anyway i was happily attending the class, knowledge were literally thrown into my head. Tons and tons of terms and concepts, definitions and examples to memories and understand. I'm just having problems with the terms. Pretty hard to understand the different terms.
Calculations today just made me felt like learning math all over again. 4 yrs since i lasted tried a math question.
2 more lessons to go.
I hope i can do it, passed the exam and proceed towards the next step in life.
Wish me luck!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
Sis and i brought mummy around, went over to Zouk Flea, then was Marina Square. Stuffed ourselves with food first then i told mum that we are bringing her to the flyer(which is not true). Walking from marina square towards the direction of the flyer, she keep saying NO NO NO. waste money, etc. Then we purposely walk pass the Kenko fish spa, where her eyes shone! hahaa.. then she keep saying do this ma, do this better, do this nicer, etc. So my sis and i was giggling and laughing when we told her, 'Yah lah! we are bringing you here la.. hahahaaa'
Picture of my legs.

Pranked my mum! she was so happy! she loves her feet after the fish spa!
Friday, May 08, 2009
Interviews these few days, and i found my target in life. Looking forward to a future i want and need. I have to step away from the childish acts and step into an adult life. 21years of happiness, its a time for hard work and determination. To prove to myself and people that i will have a break through, and i'm not a happy go lucky person. I'm not a person who dont think about anything or a person who just smiles and smiles...
Friday, May 01, 2009
Went for Ice Skating, with Seng and Akira. Ten thousand years ago since i last stepped into the ice rink. This time its Kallang Leisure Park. The feel and the environment was totally different, expensive, small, dull, boring and smelly. But still i enjoyed skating around the rink. I wouldn't wanna go back to skate. Maybe the next time i skate would be in another winter somewhere around the world. =)
Went to meet Xian and Ting. We spent the night chatting about friends and matters. And badminton, and even marriage. hahaha..
Met up with Junrong and Edith to play L.O.D. Headache arh!!! stayed in the lan shop till the sun shines hard on us.
I will never stay up late till dawn just to play LAN. Period.