Tuesday, January 26, 2010
It sucks. It sucks to stay in again, and for this time its for 2years till the date i ORD. sucks man!
i'm gonna be gone for weekdays, and only be active on weekends, i really wonder what i can be doing in camp. And once again cleaning stuff and daily lifestyle like stagnant once more. My life! Hell to NSlife!
somemore its so far away from mainland, and they said we could even detect malaysia network! (-_-) and MOSQUITOS! hate it! argh!
SHit it!!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Sunbathing! WOAH! the feeling was so good, and the weather was fantastic! i'm still contemplating where i lie myself into the sunlight!

Went for the 'Sunlight' with Xian and seriously he doesn't really get tanned so easily. But i'm a tanning machine! One session for me, Ten sessions for him! =P
Jurong East was the place and where Xian satisfy his desires after long training days! A splendid view for him! hahahaaha..
*Only he will get it!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Food Food FOod! happily cooking for dinner once again! Ever since Army daze were involved, i dont have time and i dont feel like doing anything. Stagnant, Stagnant! Total disaster! hahahaa...

OKay, i cooked dinner for mum and myself, pretty much what i'm doing previously, never really did involve any creativity, plain simple dinner! =)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
i'm a crazy boy! i know exactly how they are gonna know about this. And i know she reads my blog, but still i got to write all these out. I believe everyone deserve a way to live and a way to die. I never believe in fate, and how fate can plan our destiny. I always believe we plan our own lives, and how we live it. And i'm always stubborn in this!
He strongly disagrees with my decision, thats why i made that decision before informing. And so i realised thats what happened all the time! even my first ear piercing, my tongue piercing, my tattoo, my driving license, and my bike, even my accident! i dunno why, but he doesn't make me feel good telling anything to him.
But of course he takes good care of me! that i can strongly agree. Thats why i respect him, yet disobey him. I cant take orders, i cant take constrictions. I dont wanna be controlled and i cant be controlled!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I'm gonna be the rider of this bike soon, hopefully by Saturday! Got to take care of the insurance, road tax and ownership transfers, season parking. Tons of paper work to do. Got to do it soon! =)

I'm a Happy boy!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Its a Sunday, and i'm submerging myself in the sun and laying myself flat on the sand. Either the water or the sand, i feel great! 

Met jonathan and girls and chilled at cafe del mar, which they really slang and practically sounded like nicole. hahahaa..and i remember i used to 'huh' and 'huh' when conversing with nicole on the phone! =P

So ltr that day, winnie and gang came, and i felt great playing volleyball and frisbee once again after a very long time!!!
and of course sipping that ice chilled beer was fantastic! wooH!
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Dancing away into the mirror, no difference from the actual, but it look pretty much different from the front and from the top. where you get to see how well or how shitty you dance! =))
happy today but also sad!

i've been good on my billiard, but not good enough, i gotta need more training and time. i cannot lose out on billiard! train train train, choo choo!!
Thursday, January 07, 2010
I dont mind being a leader, i've always wanted to be a leader. But the survey shows that i'm a peacock, not an eagle. Peacock which means a persuasive personal.

So now i'm given a opportunity to be an eagle, game IC. happy i was, with this position. But everytime i stand myself infront of everyone, i tend to feel nervous and stage fright of course!
The other time when i had this singing competition, i was stage fright, and i sang till i got all the lyrics mixed up. But now i told myself to stand straight and be confident. And i did it..!!
Another thing is that i'm gonna dance! haha...how nice! and i'm gonna be the sound IC for my friend's wedding too.. i've got alot to learn.. pray hard i dont ruin her wedding...
so many important positions makes me stressed up, but it makes me grow up. I wanna grow up!

okay, now that i'm feeling a bit better, i think i'm gonna pull myself together and move on.
Monday, January 04, 2010
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Pretty fun after countdown, and guess what, 2Jan comes my first ever guard duty. And there goes my long weekend, didnt know what its all about until i've been through it. Activities coming up, and i'm all messed up without my schedule book....
I gotta write it all out.. army just wrecked all my plans...
Sentosa outing soon! drinking here i come!
Friday, January 01, 2010
Happy New 2010!

Siloso Countdown Party. wanted to try it out this time round. never been to and now is the first time. I had great fun. especially at the wavehouse, where i phycho-ed Xian once again to attempt the flowrider. Wavehouse is new and i've gotta try it! 15bucks for an hour, pretty worth it. So xian and i went onto the rushing water and into the rushing water. I had a time where i face bust into the floor, busted lips* -_-

Seng was our photographer, happily snapping away, and he was snapped by stomp.com too! =)
Clair and Zisky was having fun too!! countdown with chicken wings and potatoes! hahhaha..
2010 sounds like a good year to me!