Saturday, June 27, 2009
What is my feeling now? Lethargic? Enervated? Spiritless? Lifeless? Languid? Languorous? Inactive? Inert? Sluggish? Torpid?
Its all of the above!
Listless is the word! I really wonder why. Is there a hidden meaning in your words yesterday? I hear nothing from you today. ARGH!
I'm drinking water!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Oh man, second day of work and i realised something. Despatch riders ride more lifts than their bikes. hahaa.. i've been visiting different offices and places to collect and deliver, waiting and standing, scanning and screening. Standard procedures before entering the office. 
Especially DBS building. 47storeys high with only 1 cargo lift, So damn stupid!!
But I've learn something from this job already, not only i got more familiar with the places and roads, i've also learn how to be more confident in riding. And also where to avoid stupid summon people! hahahaa

Went for Transformers Revenge of the Fallen movie, pretty cool and funny! i just didn't like the part where the director wants the transformers to transform right in front of the screen. Never a part where they show a full image of it transforming. Its all these metal parts flying and turning right in front of the screen. Its not cool if it happens all the time.
ANYWAY, you made me miss you.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
At last, a month of waiting, the guy finally called me to confirm my job. Had to go all the way to Golden Mile Complex to retrieve the bike. Hoping that my bike wasn't any disgusting colour, i got RED! =) (At least its not some disgusting blue.) (And and and, it has a uncle box and uncle basket at the front. hahaha)

Its a semi-auto bike, which is really user friendly. but i would prefer a bike with clutch, its gives me more control of it.
Anyways, went around singapore to send this and collect that, din have the time to eat, or rather i din felt like eating.
Finished off all the deliveries and i'm dead tired! oh man! But i had fun and i'm more confident on the road. And i finally understand why my dad always scolds some drivers. =)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!
Especially to my daddy! cause he is the best dad... =) Love him to the core! Although he always calls me out for nice food in SG and makes me very贪吃, i still go out with him to have all those delicious food. Also because of him, Xian calls me 路神的儿子. hahaaa..
Appreciates all these 21years of being responsible for me!
Brought him to watch 3D Monsters Vs Aliens movie at vivo city, as well as dinner at some hongkong restaurant. He was quite amused by the 3D actions and balls flying out of the screen.. so cute la he! =))

Got him a comfort remote car yesterday. So my sis rushed the 'advertisement' for the cab! Upon seeing the cab when i drive that car out from my room, he was like complaining wasting money la, its for small kids la, blah blah blah, but we could tell he is happy. And he was happily playing with it when he got control of the remote. hahahaa
Still a little kid to me!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Have been researching the ways of getting healthy. Been through the internet and hearing people say how i should or should not do. There were tons of scientists out there proving this and that. 
But i've analyse it and i'm sure of what to do. Written everything down and sticked one of the note on the fridge.
Pretty hope that i'll get myself healthy and good shape in few years time. And hope my Army life wouldn't ruin it, which is unlikely. Anyways, i'll begin everything tomorrow.
17 June 2009 marks the day of a new beginning in me!
Gonna stop being so贪吃!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Back from Tekong. Hard journey. Imagined i would be doing the same thing in 5months time. Oh My! I hate the goodbyes, don't feel or look good. Although its just 2weeks, but people make it sound like 2years. 
Sorry for the blurred image.

Last lunch with xian, till we meet again 2weeks later. we predicted he would be looking black and black! hahaha.. While having lunch, he was particularly disgusted by this pretty boy, and he hopes he has nothing to do with him. But we'll never know whether they would be in the same bunk, after all a company is only 200 odds NSF.
Awaits my turn for goodbyes!
Woke up pretty early today, preparing myself for the day every guy dread. Sending xian off to Tekong later. 
Knowing i couldn't be late, i couldn't sleep. merely closed my eyes, and the next moment i'm flipping again.

There are still dreams, some short dreams. Being funny with Mr. Adam was one of it. Random. The other one was out of no where too. Sometimes i just feel like calling her, asking whether she is doing fine. Besides, we still shared wonderful moments together.
Back to preparation. =)
Cannot be late.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Cleared my room and changed into a new look. As some of my friends know, i keep changing the design of my room. Things are practically the same, but position are always different. Thats something in me which i dont really understand why.


Not really fancy about it, but i think i'm gonna change again soon. =) *if i got the time.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Am packing my cupboard in the middle of the night, got this urge to change everything again. And my parents always say i'm 三分钟热度。Anyway, its my room! =)

I realised something when i'm packing halfway, i tend to do silly things to my stuff. making them interact with realistic objects.

My cupboard is done for the night. i shall change my interior of my room tomorrow. Pictures tmr! =)
Saturday, June 06, 2009
BBQ was on! With Adil's relatives, so i was invited too. Went over to the place at woodlands, when there is really alot of people. I was the chef of the night, and so i bbq food for them. serving them was so fun. 
Played with the children of course! soccer and running around. making kids happy is what i enjoy. =)

Sometimes I really wonder whether am i acting like an adult already. 21 years old? no more fun?
Friday, June 05, 2009
Went for ikea trip with the boys. I always love the idea of looking around. Walking and searching, waiting for that particular item sitting at that corner just to catch my attention. GaoRen got his stuff he wanted and was happily carrying it back home.
Was suppose to meet up with min, but i guess she's not free ba..
Called Jes over for mahjong, but i fell asleep even before she called me back. What a pig i am! hahaaa..
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Richard is leaving SG today. He's gonna study over at London for his degree, and so i sent him off at the airport. Gonna miss his jokes and his wonderful stories. 

Came back to Richard's hostel with xian to retrieve his computer as it needs to be shipped over.
Xian and i was planning what to do for the night, so i cycled him over for prawn fishing near the bird park. Its not the same anymore! the amount of prawns were miserable. caught only 3, like so wasted.
Sun breaks the sky and we went over to Quality Prata to have our breakfast. Finally got the chance to bring him for the delicious prata!